Allergy Testing

If you experience itchiness, runny eyes, sneezing fits, rashes, and other signs of allergies, comprehensive allergy testing can pinpoint exactly which allergens are triggering your symptoms. The team at CareFirst Wellness Associates provide tailored allergy testing evaluations, so you can get to the root of your allergies and find an effective solution. Book your allergy testing evaluation online or call your nearest clinic to book.

  • If you’re experiencing signs and symptoms of allergies, no matter how minor or how sporadic they may seem, comprehensive allergy testing is important for your health. You might need an allergy test if you experience any of these issues:



    A runny nose

    Rashes or hives

    Difficulty swallowing

    Itchy or watery eyes

    Congestion or blocked sinuses

    Allergies can lead to serious, potentially life-threatening issues, like anaphylaxis shock, so understanding what you’re allergic to and how to avoid it, can prevent major complications.

  • Allergies develop when your body starts treating a substance as a dangerous invader. Your immune system overreacts and releases chemicals like histamine, which is why you experience unbearable allergy symptoms. While you can potentially be allergic to anything in your environment, some of the most common types of allergies include:

    Food allergens, including peanuts, eggs, dairy, and soy

    Environmental allergens, like dust, pollen, ragweed, and mold

    Contact allergens, such as poison ivy

    Insect stings, including bee stings

    The practitioners at CareFirst Wellness Associates perform a wide variety of allergy testing services, so you can start your immunotherapy or another type of allergy treatment right away.

  • Allergy testing at CareFirst Wellness Associates can include blood or skin testing (or both). A blood allergy test involves drawing blood from your arm and evaluating it in a lab to determine which allergens are triggering your symptoms. It’s limited in which allergens it can detect, and it takes some time to get your results back, but a blood test is sometimes essential if you have severe allergies and can’t go through a skin test.

    Usually, though, your physician at CareFirst Wellness Associates performs a skin test first. A skin allergy test involves applying multiple allergens — sometimes dozens at a time — directly to your skin. Your doctor gently punctures your skin to allow the allergen solutions to sink in.

    If you’re allergic to a substance, you develop a raised red bump, which is often itchy. Even though this type of allergy testing can be slightly uncomfortable, it provides fast results, so you find out on the spot exactly which types of allergies you have.

Schedule your allergy testing appointment at CareFirst Wellness Associates today. Click on the online booking feature or call any of the offices directly.


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